Limor Brothers’ Policy/ Vision
Limor Brothers’ management team strives to position the Company as a leader in the diamond industry by taking all measures to ensure that the Company's products are prestigious and high quality and meet the customers’ needs and expectations fully.
Management strives for excellence and business success by enforcing appropriate business conduct and financial reporting in accordance with the law.
Planning and implementing the business activities requires the involvement of all company employees and must abide by the Responsible Jewellery Council’s (RJC) Code of Practices (COP) standards.
The Company performs its work in accordance with applicable laws, governmental specifications and international standards, including adhering to the Kimberley Process Certification, and the Israeli Ministry of Economy’s Diamonds, Gemstones and Jewelry Administration Standards.
The Company guides, trains and provides appropriate means for its employees to conduct their everyday activities responsibly in terms of quality, safety and human rights protections, while abiding by the UN Guide to Business Principles on Human Rights, Non-Bribery and Non-Money Laundering.
The Company prohibits its employees from taking part in direct or indirect forms of violence and/or harassment (sexual, physical, and/or emotional).
The Company abides by policies that promote the protection of environmental resource and pollution prevention.
Each employee and/or manager is responsible for carrying out his/her tasks and requirements and is responsible for their quality of work and safety, respect of human rights,
The Company shares its policies with all employees and all other interested parties, and therefore it expects all company subcontractors and/or suppliers to also adopt its policies.
The Company is committed to human rights, and as such provides, and will continue to provide, equal opportunities to employees regardless of sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability or age, but does not support the employment of underage children and/or forced labor.
The Company prohibits all of its employees and agents from accepting bribes in all activities relating to the Company, and will protect employees who warn of bribery cases, and/or refuse to take part in a bribe (give or receive "incentive" payments). The Company will not fine employees who report bribery cases, but it will impose sanctions on employees who violate this principle.
The Company prohibits and prevents money laundering and imposes sanctions to anyone who violates its prohibition.
The Company allows its employees the freedom to join a workers 'union in accordance with their wishes, to form a workers' union with others, and on the contrary, safeguards the right of an employee not to join an employee organization.
The Company fosters open dialogue with its employees, stakeholders and the general public, listening to all issues that may be of concern to the Company in an effort to improve internal processes, avoid potential dangers, and respond appropriately to inquiries.
. The Company strives to improve its programs and performance standards due to its continuous commitment to its employees, in accordance with all laws and regulations.
The Company is publicly available regarding any issues relating to environment and sustainability, employee safety and health as well as ethical issues.